A presentation at Mac’s AP Research Defense in in Holly Springs, NC, USA by David G. Simmons
Fight, Flight, and Full Body Paralysis Disabilit y In Comics
Implicit Bias
Are Physically Disabled Characters in Marvel and DC Comics More Likely to Have Certain Abilities Based on Their Disability?
Data Selection and Collection Data Organizatio n Data Analysis
Extra Information Data Data Selection Selection Type of Disability
Data Collection
Data Selection and Collection Data Organizatio n Data Analysis
Spreadsheets Spreadsheets Spreadsheets
Merging Power
Data Selection and Collection Data Organizatio n Data Analysis
Enhanced Physical Ability Mind Ability No Ability Enhanced Senses Manipulation of a Specific Matter Other
Real Life Amputees
What Does This Mean?
What Can We Do To Fix This?
In Conclusion…
A: 1-6 H: 38-42
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Ask Away… Oral Defense